Conditions that demand the services of a trusted developer

  • Author

    Binny Chanchal
  • Published

Digital growth is also a marker for a successful business. However, outsourcing the right software people and maintaining a healthy relationship is important to ensure consistent growth. Reports suggest that About 25% of outsourcing relationships turn sour within a year, while the other 50% fall apart within 5 years. Therefore you should try and avoid pitfalls that can affect the process of building a strong relationship with the outsourcing company.

Service partnership failure- The reasons and how to avoid it?

Limited or nil in-house IT professionals

This is a typical condition for the failure of outsourcing partnership failure. When you have just limited IT talent in-house, you should be careful about choosing an IT outsourcing partner who will deliver a competitive advantage across multiple segments. However, if you have a core team of IT professionals, you can just outsource the services that the core team is unable to handle or just revamp the system during product development cycles.

Mis-alignment of goals

An amazing app developed by the developer will not deliver the expected outcome if there is a misalignment of goals. Then the app loses the purpose for which it is built. Therefore, there is a need for clear and precise communication. Even if the developers are working remotely, they should get in touch with you to ensure that they are transferring what your business needs into technical terms. This means that there will be a need for frequent meetings, discussions, and collaborative tools to analyze the progress and make changes when necessary.


The trustworthiness of a developer will make a difference between having control over the developers and yet giving them the freedom to work and come up with the best solutions. On the other hand, if you lack trust you might be forced to review and get the codes rewritten at every stage. Ut how can developers build the trust of the business owners. It includes

  • Allotting dedicated project managers
  • Ensuring that the team has members who have the requisite technical skills to come up with solutions
  • Advocating the use of Automation tests

Reasons to outsource

The chances for the failure of a relationship with a developer will be limited when businesses hire their services when there obvious signs that the business growth is affected. It includes conditions such as

  • Difficulty to retain or hire skilled IT talent
  • Increase in the number of customer complaints
  • The maintenance costs keep rising
  • The aging infrastructure does not give scope for scaling.

Competitors attack

Your business competitors might come up with new apps, websites, or campaigns. You might be incapable of meeting these challenges while your consumers expect them from you. Then you will reach out to developers with cut tasks in mind like the need for an appealing interface, infrastructure with scope for scaling, etc. this will ensure that there is less friction in the relationship.

Marketing knowledge

When the outsourcing developer has marketing knowledge, they will be better placed to centralize digital marketing activities in a single interface. This will benefit your business.

Does not modernize

Most of the time the developers might focus just on adding features to the existing digital platform. However, quality developers would ensure the system is revamped completely. Only then the quality of the website as well as the performance will be good.

Low-quality outcomes

Poor quality coding will be evident once the project starts functioning. This could affect the relationship. However, quality coding solutions will be able to provide answers to questions that include the type of technology adopted? How to test the product? What are the frameworks used to manage the solutions etc?