Top challenges for e-Learning platforms and measures to handle it

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    Duskbyte Staff
  • Published

Although eLearning platforms were available, there has been an increase in the demand for the same only during the pandemic period. However, it is only expected to grow. Therefore, the biggest challenge for the e-learning or enterprise training platforms at present is to keep up with the demand and meet modern requirements. There is a need for the services of tech specialists to beat the challenge.

Scope of e-Learning platforms

Facts about e-learning platforms

  • At least 94% of corporates and educational institutions had to use eLearning solutions of some kind to meet the learning and training needs during the pandemic year. -There is no slowdown in the demand for eLearning despite the lifting of pandemic restrictions.
  • Reports from Statistica suggest that the eLearning market is all set for a growth of over $347 billion by the year 2026.

The above facts establish that there is immense scope for the eLearning companies to grow steadily. For this, you do need a specialist team like Duskbyte that is not only efficient but also has learned from successful business owners, the essentials to launch an e-Learning business successfully.

The list of essentials

The list of essentials as enlisted by Duskbyte from its observations of successful e-Learning businesses include

Launching products quickly and raising funds for the same

About 93% of the companies surveyed suggested that they were thinking of employing the online program permanently. Therefore, it is up to the startup eLearning businesses to partner with tech specialists. they must be able to revamp or develop a platform that

  • Adopts a fast-to-go strategy. it means reaching out to the market with an MVP of a minimum viable product
  • Acquires early customers through proof of concept and using proven revenue channels
  • Outsources tasks to develop new yet special features that will enable growth.

Reducing costs

Building an eLearning platform will be expensive. However, it is possible to cut costs. Choosing a software development company that specializes in eLearning development will help eliminate factors such as

  • Time required to hire skilled talent
  • The costs involved in maintaining an in-house technical team. Reports suggest that using the existing team with a software house will reduce the cost of hiring by 50%
  • Wastage of resources. A cloud management system will help you scale on demand and help save cost and prevent wastage of resources.

Continuous LX improvement

Consumer retention and revenues are important in the eLearning space. This can be achieved only through rapid feature development that will improve the learner experience. Also, you should ensure scalability. This can be achieved if the software architecture is perfect. Some important features that a learning platform has to adopt include an effective analytics and reporting system, support services in several languages, Accessibility, tracking tools to enable social learning, etc.

Marketing strategies

Another challenge for e-Learning platforms is to develop a loyal customer base. Therefore, the eLearning company has to focus on marketing adaptations like creating a niche, offering support in several languages, using the right and trendy content delivery and management systems.

Using a SaaS model

SaaS will help ensure top security across data centers and easy anytime access to the end-users. Also, they can access it from anywhere and using any device.

These are some of the many measures to handle the challenges effectively.